Am J Cancer Res 2011;1(4):521-530

Review Article
Caveolin-1: an essential modulator of cancer cell radio- and chemoresistance

Stephanie Hehlgans, Nils Cordes

OncoRay – National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden University of
Technology, Fetscherstrasse 74 / PF 41, 01307 Dresden, Germany; Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology, Johann
Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Department of
Radiation Oncology, University Hospital and Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden University of Technology,
Fetscherstrasse 74, 01307 Dresden, Germany.

Received March 2, 2011; accepted March 18, 2011; Epub March 20, 2011; published April 1, 2011

Abstract: Caveolin-1 is an ubiquitously expressed integral membrane protein and essential for the formation of so-called
Caveolae, small invaginations of the plasma membrane. Caveolae are involved in major physiological functions of the
mammalian cell, including endocytosis and transcytosis processes, signal transduction and cholesterol homeostasis. During
the last decade, it became evident that Caveolin-1 plays a key role in cancer progression and metastasis. As it has also been
described as a tumor suppressor, the plethora of intracellular processes Caveolin-1 contributes to remains to be fully identified.
Differences in pathophysiological protein function have been ascribed to cell-specific roles of Caveolin-1 and to cancer stage
dependency. An important aspect of the protein in terms of cancer cure seems to be its relevance as a prognostic marker and for
induction of metastasis. These diverse functions of Caveolin-1 were expanded by recent data showing its role in radio- and
chemoresistance of tumor cells, a new aspect this review will concentrate on. Since resistance of tumor cells to conventional
treatment regimes is still a major obstacle in cancer treatment, new targeting approaches in combination with conventional
radio- and chemotherapy are highly desirable and of great interest to improve cancer patient cure. (AJCR0000048).

Keywords: Caveolin-1, cancer; chemoresistance, ionizing radiation, metastasis, radioresistance

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Address all correspondence to:
Dr. Nils Cordes
OncoRay – National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology
Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus
Dresden University of Technology
Fetscherstrasse 74 / PF 41
01307 Dresden
Tel: ++49-351–458–7401
Fax: ++49-351–458–7311
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American Journal of Cancer Research
ISSN: 2156-6976